Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Wrap Up Begins

Where to begin as we move towards the end. Isn't that an oxymoron? As I prepare to tie up loose ends and venture back to the home I love, I am reflective, thankful, and conflicted all at the same time. It has been an amazing experience in Belize. As I reflect back over the last couple of weeks, I am proud, exhausted, renewed, hopeful and concerned all at the same time. I am so proud of the people of Belize and the work they are attempting to do. I am proud of the partnership that UNCW has formed, and I am so proud that the Onslow County School System will be able to continue the work that has been started here. I am proud of the UNCW interns. What a brilliant, motivated group that will enter the teaching profession at a time that we may need them the most. I am thankful. I am thankful for the time that I have had in Belize and for the work that I have been blessed to complete. I will never forget working with the San Pedro principals!!! What a gift!!!! I will not soon forget working in the schools, checking on the interns and finding that "district administration" faces the same joys and challenges that we do at home. And yet, I am conflicted. Just as I feel our work at home is never done, I know the work in Belize is not done either. This has the potential to be a powerful partnership. There is always good work to be done that will benefit children; regardless of the geographic land form we serve!!! I have said before, "I Belize It!" I truly do.

Go Team Go

What a Kick!!! SPRC was raising money to put whiteboards in every teacher's classroom. As part of the required service project, the UNCW interns agreed to play the parents in a soccer game fundraiser. Boy am I old!!! But
thankfully my team was awesome. The parents won 4-3 in a well fought match and SPRC gets one steps closer to whiteboards in every classroom. Progress is a wonderful thing. I was so proud to be a part of it.

Hello Pretty Birdie

While at the Belize Zoo, this young man was very pleased to pose for a picture. His eyes were a beautiful yellow!!! One more sign of the beauty that exists in this land.

Just for Fun

This is my bed at the Education Center at the Belize Zoo. It reminded me a lot of Camp Don Lee. Good stuff.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Belizean Paradise

Afterr meeting with he Minister of Education's representative, this was the view from the restaurant where we had lunch.

San Pedro High School

I was standing on the second floor of San Pedro High School when I took this picture. As you can see, the ocean is directly behind the cafeteria (which is the structure in the picture).

A Trip to The Public Library

This side of the public library is ocean front and gorgeous. The collection is limited at this time.